Best Practices

Best Meeting Practices at Club Level

Usual Flow of Meetings (Click here to Download)

Learn how to conduct a typical meeting at Noida Plus Toastmasters Club. It shares various pointers of time which can mark as milestone for finishing meeting on time.

Usage of Social Media (Click here to Download)

Noida Plus Toastmasters Club has significant presence on various social medias. Club members can join the social media and understand the best pracitices for using social media of Noida Plus Toastmasters from above link

Guide for Taking Meeting Roles

“A Toastmasters wears many hats” (Click here to Download)

Toastmasters club meetings provide an opportunity for members to learn and practice communication and leadership skills by assuming a variety of roles. Each meeting role has a unique set of responsibilities and skills for you to explore. This guide is useful for


Guide for Taking Executive Committee Roles

“Club Leadership Handbook” (Click here to Download)

As an elected officer of your Toastmasters club, you have the opportunity to aid in your club’s success and gain valuable hands-on leadership experience. Unlike other training programs, where you learn how to be a successful leader by reading books and attending lectures, Toastmasters gives you the opportunity to gain practical leadership experience while helping people learn and grow in their professions and their personal lives. This guide is useful for:

  • President
  • Vice President – Education
  • Vice President – Membership
  • Vice President – Public Relations
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Sergeant at Arms
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